Nothing says "happy" like a king-sized bed full of kitties.
After realizing that we only have three more months to spend money on ourselves without feeling as though we're stealing from our son's college fund (eek eek eek!), we ran out and splurged on this beauty! We traded out our full-sized, twice-preowned mattress set for this heavenly Sealy Posturpedic. I've never slept better. [Sober.] (Seriously, though - why is it that when I was younger I could justify a $100 bar tab but choked when I thought about spending anything more than twice that much on a bed?)
28 weeks
A positive even though it means I can no longer see my feet: our son is growing a little more everyday! According to the baby books, he's now just over two pounds. According to my scale, he's MUCH MUCH more. (Surely I haven't gained 20 lbs from a near-perfect diet of refined carbs and chocolate?)
La piece de resistance!
I've saved the best for last: Yes, it's ridiculously early for us to have ordered and assembled a crib. No, we haven't yet moved our mini-couch and television out of the nursery. Yes, this means my hormones are officially running the show. No, I could not have possibly found a more patient and loving husband. (Dig the Ikea leaf? Finally having an excuse to install one of those things was probably #4 on my list of Why I Want a Baby... just after "for all the awesome diaper bag pockets.") Thank you honey!!