- Construction equipment has taken up seemingly-permanent residence in our soon-to-be living room
- Potential for cats escaping
- Workers have been urinating in our upstairs shower (No, I didn't mean to say "bathroom" or "toilet." They're pissing in our fucking shower.)
- Furnace (which was "fixed" last week) is blowing out cold air
- Water is not yet on
- Appliances, including fridge, will not be delivered until Tuesday (though I guess leaving out perishables becomes less of an issue if our furnace isn't up and running soon)
- Anxiety about being oven-less for any period of time
- Workers are smoking cigarettes in the house
- Disgusting filth of house + futility of cleaning efforts until work is complete
- Ummm... and because no progress has been made this week.

The bad news is that to do the heavy-up, they tore out more wall and broke (as in "smashed") through the basement window! Just before more rain! Yay!
Hopefully our contractor will have some good news for us in response to my e-mail (I tried to keep things simple for her):
Hi Marcella,
Erik and I are moving into the house this weekend.
We visited last night and the furnace was only blowing out cold air – this is a huge problem. Please advise.
The upstairs bedrooms and bathroom and the main floor back bedroom will now be off limits to workers, unless they need to be there for construction reasons. We will need a detailed timeline of when these rooms will need to be accessed.
We’ve found several cigarette butts in the house – as I’m pregnant, smoking in the house needs to stop immediately.
I look forward to seeing your Friday update, including a timeline of when:
- Dining room will be complete
- Windows will be installed
- Fans will be installed in bathrooms
Our priority is to finish work on the main/upper floors so that Erik and I have a space to live. The basement can wait.