In PG County - especially in older, previously-vacant houses such as ours - it's rare to find a basement without some mold or mildew. (These basements were never supposed to exist - when people starting expanding down, they built directly on top of the concrete slab. The concrete sweats, the moisture seeps up into the unventilated space, and bam - you've got yourself a problem.) As you've seen, our home was no exception.
After we'd put in the contract, I started researching "mold remediation" and almost had a heart attack - quotes for water-proofing an entire basement ran between $10-$30K depending on the extent of the damage. We had only allocated $30K for the ENTIRE rehab process. Very fortunately, the foundation was fully intact and we were assured that the inexpensive installation of a few windows and vents would go a long way towards resolving the issue. We'd also, of course, have to tear down a few walls:

Back basement bedroom

Front basement bedroom
After seeing all the drywall down, we realized how easy it would be to combine the two rooms into a larger living space - so this wall will be coming down completely to make our new family room.
The demo continued upstairs in the dining room (where our little bitty ceiling leak had turned into possible structural damage):
Someday, this will be a dining room.

We opted to remove all of the dining room ceiling (instead of just a patch) - including the disgusting textured swirls. Yay!
Hi Amy,
this our friday/saturday update.
the tankless water heater will be install over the weekend.
once the water heater is in we will then repair the drywall.
another application of mold removal will be applied.
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