And here's how they're looking on the inside:

The tech labeled this "FACE." I only see "Skeletor."

Requisite adorable profile (awwww...)
Showing off his guns for the camera (our first clue that he was a he).

And finally: our boy in all his spread-eagled glory! (I promise to take this page down before he's internet-savvy.)
We haven't been able to do any work on the nursery yet, as we're still using that room as our primary living space, but do have some ideas about the decor... more to come!
Now for a few house updates - and I do just mean "a few." The infamous snowpocalypse set us about two weeks behind "schedule" (in quotes, since we've been entirely unsuccessful in EVER getting our contractor to mention a single flipping date), so we still don't have some of our high-priority items such as windows and gutters. We do, however, have lots and lots of bare sheetrock where exposed beams used to be, so I'm not completely disappointed.
Dining room ceiling

Dining room wall

Final installation of breaker box and replacement of surrounding wall
The combination of the two basement bedrooms, which will soon be our family room.
A panorama of the basement family room. (Sofas and TV will be to the right; sitting/toy area to the left.)
And finally: Each day we come home to a new, and not necessarily improved, environment. Sometimes it's just an empty pizza box in the corner of our kitchen; yesterday it was muddy boot tracks on our new bathroom rug; a week ago it was the thermostat set seven degrees higher than we keep it. (Once it was an air compressor, which sat at the house for almost a full month before being spirited away one Sunday morning. We still don't know what they ever used it for, or why they left it for so long.) We're not usually thrilled by these changes, so we have to find the humor where we can.
Like on this napkin. Just when you thought everyone had already heard about the internet...